Things Happen

Sometimes, no matter how together a girl is – things happen.

No matter how careful I have been, I lost my Yeti last Friday afternoon. You know… the larger-than-life, “I spent my kids’ college tuition on a stupid insulated cup that’s not a bit better than the ones they sell at Wal-Mart for half the price” – Yeti. Yep, that one.

The last place I remembered having my little gem was in the bathroom at school. Knowing this, I did what all educators do in times of crisis: I frantically texted our amazing custodian, Wanda. *** One of the most valuable lessons I learned 29 (Ouch.) some years ago during my first year in college was to treat custodians and secretaries with respect, honor and the occasional pastry, cup of coffee or lunch. These wonderful individuals are the ones who truly run our schools. Take them out of the picture and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Quickly and efficiently.

To my dismay last Friday evening, however, Wanda did not respond….. ***Where are you, Wanda? You’re always, always, always there when I need you.

I did eventually find my Yeti (in my house *eye roll*) over the weekend, but I still heard nothing from Wanda. ***Seriously, Wanda. This is not like you. Now I’m getting concerned.

I entered school this morning, Monday – mind racing with all the “what-ifs” of what might have happened to Wanda. ***Had she been involved in some terrible accident? Had she suddenly fallen ill and was now in the hospital fighting for her life? Why hadn’t I received an all-school email about my Wanda!? Things are serious here, people! Wanda did not respond! Why is everyone walking around normally and unconcerned?!

The day progressed and I found myself looking up each time someone passed in front of my door. ***Wanda? Is that you?

Then, at 12:50 PM –  It happened. My phone vibrated! I looked down and there it was!!! A message from Wanda!!! ***She’s alive!! Praise the Lord. Hallelujah – Amen!!!


Lisa!? Lisa – from Front Porch? The boutique? The very Lisa that I don’t know from Adam – only from Instagram? ***Lord, have mercy… Lord. Have. Mercy.*** I would imagine Lisa had no idea how to respond to “the tampon box” text she randomly received Friday evening – while I envision she and her “we’ve got it together” friends sat watching the local high school football game. ***I have no basis for this assumption, but this is where my mind went, so I tagged along and the story I imagined made me smile. Go with me.** Oh, the conversations I can hear my text initiating. I can just see my new friend Lisa passing her phone around and everyone discussing who the crazy lady in the 417 could possibly be.

I can’t make this stuff up – well, the missent text at least. Things happen. Mostly to me, I’ve decided – so I’ll just continue to embrace this crazy life that is mine, and find the humor (and new friends) one mistaken text or other mishap at a time. Isn’t life fun when we let it be?

PS: Wanda wasn’t lying in some hospital bed, fighting for her life. She showed up this afternoon and we had a good laugh. I also righted the contact list in my phone. Ya know.. In case I leave anything on the tampon box in the future… or in case I need to place an order for something super-cute with my new friend, Lisa.

Until next time…


***Happy National Custodial Worker’s Day, Wanda – and to all the other wonderful custodians in the “R-III” as well. We are blessed to have each of you working alongside us every day! You make a difference in our lives and in the lives of our students! From the bottom of my heart – Thank You!!***


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